yukko* takes photographs as a way of expressing respect for everything that exists on earth. This way of thinking is strongly influenced by the Japanese understanding of nature. In Japan it has been believed that there are gods in nature. From her experience of different cultures when living overseas and of meeting people from different countries through her career as a translator, she has come to know the differences in how people regard nature. She recognizes in herself the inherent, traditional Japanese respect for all aspects of the natural environment. She converses with every subject she photographs. She says she sometimes senses a refusal, in which case she stops. In those cases, she believes she will not be able to take a good photograph no matter what.
When she takes pictures, she says she looks into the eyes of the subject, even when it physically does not have eyes. By “looking into the eyes,” she means that the subject makes a special connection with her, and she with it. When this happens, she takes her camera and lets her lens capture that look. It is only when her own energy, the energy of the subject, and the energy surrounding them meet that she can create, she says.
Born on the earth as a part of the huge wheel of life, she shows respect towards every element of the environment, a respect epitomized in her work.

More recent works can be seen in the archives page.

All photos are available for purchase in the form of prints.
Price varies by print size.(13×18cm(5.12×7.09inches)18,800 Japanese Yen to 45.7×56.0cm(18×22inches) 100,000japanese Yen)
Enquiries for prints and image usage officevivid@gmail.com